Name Address PhoneEmail Company Name Will the website be a completely new site or will it be a redesign of an existing site? (In case of website revamp, elaborate in a descriptive manner the changes that you would like to be implemented)Your business overview, products & services?Please describe your target customers or the audience you intend to reach via your website (For example: are they primarily other businesses, special interest groups, consumers, their interests, age, sex, social status, wealth bracket)?How do they buy or have knowledge of your products or services at the moment?If you intend to make sales over the web: How many products/categories and products within each category do you want to sell?Please list some of your direct competitors’ websites or other sites which you think we should be aware of and whyDo you already have a domain name and Hosting? If so, please state the details.Any preferred color scheme?ColorPick color PrimaryasdasddsaColorPick color SecondaryAny reference websites? If you have any logo so please upload here (optional)Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, , Max. file size: 1 GB.Please list the different pages or menu categories that are likely to be required within the site. Like Menu (example: Home | About | Servies | Contact Us)Please specify social media platforms to be linked to your website and provide links to existing social media profiles (If any).Promote a new product or service? Yes No - Is this a purely online business? Yes No Does your target audience have any visual impairment or disability which we should be aware of? Yes No Increase footfall to your premises/website? Yes No Show a portfolio of work/products? Yes No Do you require any online booking or reservation system? Yes No Collect information electronically (eg online surveys)? Yes No Increase membership/loyalty/support? Yes No